Examples of Procedures
Examples of (General) Management System (MS) Procedures
Procedure MS-1 - Control of Documents
Procedure MS-2 - Control of Records
Procedure MS-3 - Internal Audit
Procedure MS-4 - Response to Non-Conformity or Incident (including Corrective Action)
Procedure MS-5 - Management Review - NO EXAMPLE; SEE THE NOTE BELOW.
Procedure MS-6 - Preventive Action [Implements requirements in ISO 41001:2018, Section
10.3 and ISO 55001:2014, Section 10.2]
There is no explicit requirement to have any of the above procedures but it is useful
to implement them anyway, particularly if your management system must be certified
against two or more management system standards. Additionally, internal audits can
be done against the procedures, rather than against the standard(s).
Procedure MS-5 - Management Review must be customised, according to the nature and
operation of your business, and according to which standards your management system
must be certified.
Examples of (General) Business Management (BM) Procedures
Procedure BM-1 - Starting and Finishing a Role
Procedure BM-2 - Internal and External Communications - NO EXAMPLE; SEE THE NOTE
There is no explicit requirement to have the above two procedures but it is useful
to implement them anyway, particularly if your management system must be certified
against two or more management system standards. Additionally, internal audits can
be done against the procedures, rather than against the standard(s).
Procedure BM-2 - Internal and External Communications must be customised, according
to the nature and operation of your business, and according to which standards your
management system must be certified.
Examples of Information Security (IS) Procedures
Procedure IS-1 - Information Security Basics
Procedure IS-2 - Working in Secure Areas
Procedure IS-3 - Network Management
Procedure IS-4 - Mobile Computing
Procedure IS-5 - Backups
Procedure IS-6 - Access Control and Rights Review
Procedure IS-7 - Intellectual Property
Procedure IS-8 - Manage Provider
Procedure IS-9 - Change Control - NO EXAMPLE; SEE THE NOTE BELOW.
Procedure IS-9 - Change Control implements ISO/IEC 27001:2013, Control A.12.1.2 -
Change management. This particular control does not itself specify a requirement
for a procedure. However, it is the second of four controls of the group A.12.1 -
Operational procedures and responsibilities. The first control of this group is A.12.1.1
- Documented operating procedures, which specifies “Operating procedures shall be
documented and made available to all users who need them”. Consequently, it is a
good idea to implement A.12.1.2 as (part of) a procedure.
Procedure IS-9 - Change Control must be customised, according to the nature and operation
of your business.
Examples of Data Protection (DP) Procedures
COMING SOON ---> Procedure DP-1 - Data Protection Impact Assessment (DPIA)
COMING SOON ---> Procedure DP-2 - Data Subject Access Request (DSAR)
COMING SOON ---> Procedure DP-3 - Notification of Rights and Processing