ISO 55001:2014 - Asset Management Systems

Previews [from the iTeh Standards Store -]

ISO 55000:2024 - Asset management - Overview, principles and terminology

ISO 55001:2024 - Asset management - Management systems - Requirements

ISO 55002:2018 - Asset management - Management systems - Guidelines for the application of ISO 55001 [Under Revision]

ISO/TS 55010:2024 - Asset management - Guidance on the alignment of financial and non-financial functions in asset management

ISO 55011:2024 - Asset management - Guidance for the development of public policy to enable asset management

ISO 55012:2024 - Asset management - Guidance on people involvement and competence

ISO 55013:2024 - Asset management - Guidance on the management of data assets

ISO/IEC 17021-1:2015 - Conformity assessment - Requirements for bodies providing audit and certification of management systems - Part 1: Requirements

ISO/IEC TS 17021-5:2014 - Part 5: Competence requirements for auditing and certification of asset management systems

ISO - Online Browsing Platform - shows Terms and Definitions

ISO 55000:2024 - Asset management - Overview, principles and terminology

ISO/TC251 - Asset Management Systems

ISO/TC251 - Home Page

ISO/TC251 - Asset Management Systems

ISO/TC251 - Standards catalogue


Conformity Assessment Bodies (CABs) accredited to certify to ISO 55001


ISO 55001

ISO 55001 Training Courses


Global Forum on Maintenance and Asset Management (GFMAM) -

GFMAM - Publications

GFMAM - Asset Management Landscape

GFMAM - Asset Management Maturity - A Position Statement - Second Edition

GFMAM - ISO 55001 Auditor/Assessor Specification

Institute of Asset Management (IAM) -

Asset Management - An Anatomy

Competences Framework

Competences Framework Part 1 (PDF)

Competences Framework Part 2 (PDF)

Competences Framework Part 1 (DOCX)

Competences Framework Part 2 (DOCX)

Institut Français d’Asset Management Industriel et Infrastructures -

Guide Thématique de la Gestion d'Actifs

INDUSTRY ORGANISATIONS (links and downloads)

International Union of Railways (UIC) -

Guidelines for the Application of Asset Management in Railway Infrastructure Organisations (2010)

UIC Railway Application Guide - Practical Implementation of Asset Management through ISO 55001 (November 2016)

Conference of European Road Directors -

Implementation Guide for an ISO 55001 Asset Management System

The Woodhouse Partnership

The Woodhouse Partnership (TWPL) -

Asset Management Standards -

Asset Management Academy -