Information, Guidance and Discussion |
Required Documentation |
Examples of Policies |
Examples of Procedures |
Statement of Applicability |
Implementation Tables |
Templates |
Recorded Webinar Videos |
CABs accredited by UKAS |
Advisera |
British Isles |
Europe |
Americas |
Asia |
Document Creation and Collaboration Software |
Standards and Style Guides |
Agencies |
ISO 55001:2014 -
Previews [from the iTeh Standards Store -
ISO 55000:2024 -
ISO 55001:2024 -
ISO 55012:2024 -
ISO 55013:2024 -
ISO 55000:2024 -
ISO/TC251 -
ISO/TC251 -
ISO/TC251 -
Conformity Assessment Bodies (CABs) accredited to certify to ISO 55001
Global Forum on Maintenance and Asset Management (GFMAM) -
Institute of Asset Management (IAM) -
Competences Framework Part 1 (PDF)
Competences Framework Part 2 (PDF)
Competences Framework Part 1 (DOCX)
Competences Framework Part 2 (DOCX)
Institut Français d’Asset Management Industriel et Infrastructures -
Guide Thématique de la Gestion d'Actifs
INDUSTRY ORGANISATIONS (links and downloads)
International Union of Railways (UIC) -
Guidelines for the Application of Asset Management in Railway Infrastructure Organisations (2010)
Conference of European Road Directors -
Implementation Guide for an ISO 55001 Asset Management System
The Woodhouse Partnership
The Woodhouse Partnership (TWPL) -
Asset Management Standards -
Asset Management Academy -