Accreditation Bodies in Europe
Regional Association of Accreditation Bodies
EA (European co-
Accreditation Bodies
UKAS (United Kingdom Accreditation Service) -
UKAS CertCheck (Database of UKAS accredited certifications) -
INAB (The Irish National Accreditation Board) -
NA (Norsk Akkreditering -
SWEDAC (Styrelsens för ackreditering och teknisk kontroll) -
FINAS (Finnish Accreditation Service) -
DANAK (Danske Akkrediteringsfond -
RvA (Raad Voor Accreditatie -
OLAS (Luxembourg -
COFRAC (Comite Francais d'Accreditation) -
SAS (Swiss Accreditation Service) -
DAkkS (Deutsche Akkreditierungsstelle GmbH) -
Akkreditierung Austria -
IPAC (Instituto Português de Acreditação) -
ENAC (Entidad Nacional de Acreditacion) -
ACCREDIA (Ente Italiano di Accreditamento) -
PCA (Polskie Centrum Akredytacji -
CAI (Český Institut pro Akreditaci -
EAK (Eesti Akrediteerimiskeskus -
SA (Slovenska Akreditacija -
HAA (Hrvatska Akreditacijska Agencija -
BATA (Institute for Accreditation of Bosnia and Herzegovina) -
AT (Akreditaciono Tijelo Accreditation Body of Montenegro) -
АТС (Акредитационо тело Србије -
IARNM (Institute for Accreditation of the Republic of North Macedonia) -
Kosovo General Accreditation Directorate (DAK) -
E.SY.D. (Hellenic Accreditation System) -
TURKAK (Türk Akreditasyon Kurumu -
BSCA (Belarusian State Centre for Accreditation) -
NAAU (National Accreditation Agency of Ukraine) -
GAC (Georgian Accreditation Center) -